人类是群居动物. 社会学 will help you understand the pack.
社会学 is a social science with contemporary practical knowledge. Sociologists study structure and change as society, culture and social forces create the foundation of our lives and our senses of self. 社会学 acknowledges the influence of society on who we are, 全球最大的博彩平台的主观现实, 我们能做什么, 我们如何沟通,如何生活. 通过主修社会学,你会对它的背景和意义有更广泛的了解.
Understanding “the pack” means understanding the differences in packs, 提高文化竞争力. Sociologists are known for their use of population data to explain and solve issues. You’ll learn how to analyze national and global issues for patterns of behavior, 文化价值观, beliefs and norms that explain the existence and dynamics of problems. Social problems commonly addressed include racism, 性别歧视, 对老年人的歧视, 经济上的不平等, 贫困, 环境, 食物系统, 安乐死, 家庭暴力, 虐待动物, 堕胎, 强奸, 战争和权力模式.
我们的课程以学生为导向, enabling you to focus your study of sociology on a topic, theme or learning style that best fits your goals. 您将创建个人学习合同,这将使您能够利用您的创造力和特定兴趣开发独特的项目. Classroom learning takes place as interactive discussions, 这个项目的灵活性使你很容易利用出国留学的机会.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 文学院 & 科学 你和经典有直接联系吗, broad-based education to satisfy both your intellectual curiosity and career goals. 师生比例为10:1, small classes and individualized learning opportunities, we put students at the center of all our decisions and events.
我们将文科与专业前课程和实践学习相结合,为您在自然科学领域的职业生涯做好准备, 社会科学和人文科学. 你会从小事中学习, engaging classes and relationships with faculty mentors; hone your skills to solve problems; and learn to use creativity and critical thinking to make informed decisions.
A minor in sociology gives you a broad understanding of the subject, preparing you for life as someone who can think, 写, speak and see the world beyond the individual.
Shenandoah students work with their Academic Advisor to declare a minor. 学术顾问将继续与学生合作,以确保他们满足所有的要求来完成辅修课程.
即将入学的学生不应该在全球最大的博彩平台的申请中表明他们的预期辅修专业. 申请只适用于预期专业.
的 职业生涯 Services staff helps Shenandoah students search and apply for 实习 与他们的专业和职业目标相关. 实习 differentiate you as an applicant in your future job searches, 提供你所在领域的实践全球最大的博彩平台, allow you to sample different career paths for your major, and help you find a specific position that fits your passion before graduation.
社会学学士学位为你从事需要文化能力的职业做好了准备, 比如在非营利组织, 非政府组织, 市场营销, 管理, personnel and social policy or as a sociology teacher/professor or law student. 它还能让你成为一个能思考、能写作、能说话、能超越个人视角看世界的人.
职业生涯 and Salary Examples for 社会学 专业:
- 人力资源通才:$45,592
- Clinical Research Coordinator: $36,752 – $64,429
- Program Coordinator, Non-Profit Organization: $40,000
- 市场协调员:3.5万美元
- 销售和市场协调员:38,750美元
职业生涯 & 专业发展提供全面的服务和资源,以帮助谢南多学生在他们的职业寻找. Services offered include resume and cover letter building, 模拟面试, and professional dining etiquette workshops.
课堂讨论和评估帮助你练习结合各种事实的技能, data, beliefs and patterns of behavior into multiple logical views. 故事, beliefs and common sense opinions are deconstructed, and then reconstructed into multiple alternative possibilities, allowing you to recognize cultural diversity or cultural relativism. 你会练习抽象思维, 但传统的分析也包括通过阅读各种主题的期刊文章. You’ll also develop oral and written interpersonal communications skills, and learn how to clearly and effectively 写 and present your ideas.
你创建了自己的学习契约, so there are plenty of opportunities for you to develop individual projects. 在过去, students have organized fundraisers for nonprofits; created movies about eugenics, inequality in Winchester and slang; created and implemented personal research; performed cost-benefit analyses on communication technology for local law enforcement; and developed a path analysis, 小册子, 申请表格和与其他机构的比较,为医院创建和维持公民咨询委员会.
学习 support 服务s are available to all students in every course at Shenandoah. 在这所大学的任何课程中,都可以与之前成功学习过这门课程的学生进行免费的同伴辅导. 写作中心可用于从论文开发到校对和参考书目协助的写作过程的每个阶段. 的 Math Enrichment Center is available for math and science assistance. 大学的教授和学术顾问也有办公时间和开放政策,以确保谢南多学生在学业上取得成功.
的 荣誉项目 is a multidisciplinary 荣誉项目 for students who are curious, 有创意的, 自我激励, and eager to engage in their education and community.
荣誉课程的学生不仅参加强调合作的荣誉课程, 服务, 和沟通, 但他们也将有机会根据自己的兴趣和目标来发展项目的各个方面. By participating in the 荣誉项目 you will acquire the tools, 为你的社区做出有意义的贡献所必需的知识和全球最大的博彩平台——无论是全球性的, 在本地, 或者具体到你一生的工作. 你将有机会学习独特的课程, 令人兴奋的经历和一个从不停止提问和追求卓越的同龄人和教师社区.
Make studying abroad the highlight of your college experience! Whether you go for a year, a semester, or just a few weeks. You will never forget learning in another culture! 的 国际项目中心在这里帮助你计划你的留学经历. 尽早开始你的计划,以确保你在国外完成的课程计入你的学位,并确保你按时毕业.
Global Experiential 学习 (GEL) Program
的 Global Experiential 学习 (GEL) Program offers Shenandoah students a short-term, faculty-led, study-abroad experience for academic credit. 这些短期, credit-bearing, faculty-led programs are offered winter break, 春假, 在夏天. If a course is not within your major, it might be used as an elective.
在我们的乌干达之旅中,我最喜欢的部分是与我们的翻译互动. 他们都是男人,和我年龄相仿,却有着完全不同的生活. Yet we all found excitement in similar things, like tossing around a ball or Frisbee. 这真的很有趣,即使在一个文化和我生活的地方如此不同的国家, I still found similarities and made friends with people that are my own age. 很荣幸能回来. 我一直意识到并怀疑这样一个事实,即我拥有这么多而不必努力, and this trip really emphasized that for me. 我在一个以白人为主的学区长大,那里大多数同学的家庭都很有钱, and the kids didn’t realize how lucky they were to have everything that they did. 这次旅行确实让我更加意识到我有多少,让我更加感激我所拥有的一切.
Kyle Hooven ' 20 |心理学 & 社会学双学位
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 is a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), 由300所大学组成的全球网络. 这种合作关系允许学生在国外的其他成员学校学习一个完整的学期或一年. By working closely with their academic advisors and the study abroad advisor, students can take classes taught in 英语 abroad while receiving Shenandoah credit.
全球最大的博彩平台还与世界各地的几所大学保持着直接的合作关系. 这些关系允许州立大学的学生作为交换生到国外学习,也允许这些大学的学生到州立大学学习. All partner universities offer courses taught in 英语.